Which of course is Sydney speak for crocodile. I think. She was pointing to an alligator. (The Crystal Lake South Gator, to be exact, for you locals.)
Alacoppa (helicopter)
Bubbatie (butterfly -- my personal fave)Momocaca (motorcycle)
Bewbie used to mean bird. It's recently changed to bewdie. And those hoppers that loiter in our yard have turned from bubbies into bunnies. (sigh) At least they still eat those orange cae-coes at our house.
And of course, these two words:
Tie (slide)
Bubbos (bubbles)
Her vocabulary is ever-expanding and much to my dismay the majority of it is being articulated ever so clearly now. It kind of makes me sad to see our baby turn into a girl. Not to say we aren't loving every minute of the almost-threes. Because we are. I so love this age.
How can anyone not like this age?
Finally, a statement that can only come out of the mouths of moms:
Me: "No sweetie, you may not clean the table until you put your plate in the sink."
As Sydney would say, "da tilly mommeeee".