Tuesday, August 16, 2011

2 months

I'm going to let you in on a secret: It's really August 31st today. I'm backdating this post, because let's face it: I am a procrastinator (except this time I have an excuse! Woot!).  But the picture really was taken at 2 months.


Dear Matthew,

You are two months old today! You have been smiling since about 5 weeks old, and you now love to have conversations with us. We could "coo" and "goo" and "ahh" all day with you, and I think you feel the same. Except for when you are napping, which you also love. As long as it's in 15 minute increments. I'll be honest with you, I don't love that. But I do love that you sleep for long stretches at night! You have been a good sleeper since day 3, when you would go 4 hours before waking up at night, and now you are up to about 6 hours! Thank you for that!

You are a big boy, much like your sister Elisabeth was at this age. You weigh 14.5 pounds and are 24 inches long now. That puts you in the 90th percentile! I'm not really that surprised, since you like to nurse about every two hours. You sure do keep me busy!

Your sisters also love you very much, and are constantly talking to you and petting you and kissing you. And you just soak it in. I hope it continues for a very long time.


1 comment:

  1. Erin, tes enfants sont magnifiques. Tes textes amusants et tes photographies inspirantes.

