I am also excited to officially be titled a "Soccer Mom" again, because with this impressive title comes the gift of being organized in life all while having fun with the kids! I gathered our gear, which now includes 3 soccer balls, and headed out the door to pick up the girls at daycare. I couldn't wait to show you pictures of Elisabeth's soccer practice, so I made sure to pack my camera as well.
When Elisabeth and I arrived in Sydney's room, we were greeted by three little girls with the cutest matching hairdos I have ever seen! Sydney and her friends Abby and Sydney (#2, of course) were all treated by Miss Vanessa to a day at the baby salon. Apparently when Miss Vanessa started doing one girl's hair earlier in the day, the other two lined up
Sydney is on the right. And the left. But ours is the one on the right. Abby is in the middle, in case you weren't sure. Sydney #1 is crying because she didn't want to sit - she wanted her mommy! Which is also why the photo is a bit blurry. I had a very short window of opportunity here. Don't they look like triplets?
Just for fun, here are two more pictures from the evening. Some of you may know that Sydney's pet name is "the live-in raccoon" which we chose because we felt it was slightly cuter than calling her our "human garbage disposal". Well my friends, the proof is in the
And Mark has commented that my girls are turning into their mother (more on this later) - here is one of Sydney snapping away just like her momma does. Elisabeth was doing this too. I love it!
What? You want to know where the pictures of Elisabeth's soccer practice are? Oh. Well, this totally organized soccer mom forgot to charge the batteries for the camera. I ran out right after taking pictures of the triplets. Score one for mom.