Ah, Memorial Day weekend. One of the many wonderful signs that summer is officially here.
(And yes, I realize that Memorial Day was just about a lifetime ago. I never said I was an on-time soccer mom, did I?)
As we take (okay, took. A while ago.) the day off from our jobs, we also take a moment to honor our military and remember those who have given their lives for us.
And then we celebrate them.
The iconic Memorial Day weekend is almost always filled with wonderful smells of food cooking on the grill, with children frolicking outside in the sun, with neighbors hanging out while sporting a cold beverage, etc. And ours nothing less than spot-on.
Elisabeth stripped down to her birthday suit to start filling the pool, so Mark grabbed the camera to get a picture as fast as he could.
But even faster than Mark was me, who quickly threw a shirt on Elisabeth so-as not to offend the neighbors! (It would have been a cute picture, I know. But can you blame me? Can you see how close the neighbors are?)
Sydney didn't venture into the pool (although it would have been warm enough - we hooked up the hose to a spare hot water spout in our laundry room and added more of that than the cold water. We've lived in this house for years now, and it's just now that we're realizing that we could even do that. GENIUS!), but she did try out her share of snacks and beverages while sitting poolside:
She also ventured into the garden and climbed onto an old bench that came from my retail days when I worked in a soon-to-be-remodeled American Eagle Outfitters store. This bench is so rickety but I just can't get myself to throw it out. It's a part of me.
She had some visitors join her. I'm not sure if they were welcomed by Sydney or not, but they sure are cute!
And how is this for creative play?
God bless America, and the freedoms that we are given by our soldiers who fight for us.
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