Monday, July 20, 2009

Another summer delight

Oh, the ice cream truck.

As parents, we have such a love-hate relationship with the the ice cream man. While we love the yummy ice cream -- particularly the 'choco-taco' - I discovered these back in the day when I worked at the outdoor pool - you should try it if you haven't discovered this piece of heaven yet, -- we cringe at the fact that we could buy an entire box of the ice cream treats for the same price as one of those faded treats painted on the side of the truck.

And while we love seeing the same look of delight on our children's faces that we as kids had whenever we could hear the catchy music only an ice cream truck or music box could play, well, gosh that song gets old. I've always wondered if the guy behind the wheel wears ear plugs.

Nor do we appreciate the fact that he seems to come 15 minutes before any given meal. Or nap.

I will let you in on a secret - for the first few years of Elisabeth's life, we were the horrible parents that told her that the music meant they were out of ice cream. (Terrible, I KNOW! But I got the idea from the neighbors, so you can blame them.) But she now has a higher IQ than me so that trick has long since gone out the window.

And that's fine - it's become a nice treat this summer! Elisabeth and I have indulged on several of my Fridays home with the girls. Somehow Sydney always seems to be napping when the truck comes in the afternoon (the one non pre-meal time), but I think that's okay because she is currently not a fan of anything 'cohhhh' on a stick. Her time of discovery will come soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. You know what's weird? As hot as it is down here, we don't have ANY ice cream trucks coming through! And we live in one of the largest neighborhoods in the state. I know the ice cream truck can be a total meal/budget/nap blower but man, I wish we had one sometimes!

