Let's just focus on a lazy Sunday evening, shall we? I thought I would share a small sampling of our children's accessory choices and accompanying personalities:
Sydney kept this hat on all evening. It was so cute, I couldn't bear to remove it. So she went about her usual goofy ways, lovely chapeau and all.
Sydney is into everything. Competitive, very curious and 100% fearless, she knows what she wants and she goes for it. Nothing will ever get in this kid's way.
Here is Sydney saying "EEEEEEE!" Which is Sydney speak for "CHEEESE!". Which she does without any provoking, whenever she sees the camera pointed at her. Which I think is stinking adorable. And which I am certain will not last forever, so I will cherish the "cheeses" while I've got them.
(I just thought this next picture was funny. Another typical shot. My football playing toddler and my 5 year old reaching for the clouds.)
And then there is Miss Elisabeth. She is our emotional child. A total softie like her mom, she carries a heavy spectrum of emotion on her shoulder. She is very stubborn like her, well, if you know what's good for you you may not want to answer that. She tests us daily. She tests our patience and she tests our rules and limits to see how much she can get away with. She doesn't care to smile for pictures because that would be doing something that we wanted her to do, but would rather make goofy faces like this.
And like the baby sister that she adores, Miss Elisabeth also likes to make some interesting accessory choices. Today's choice seemed to have a slight 70's hippy / 80's rockstar quality to it. I couldn't quite place my finger on it, but I kept thinking about Axl Rose from Guns N' Roses as we ate our dinner outside.
Even if this Sweet Child O' Mine (snort snort. Get it?) does test our patience, I am not sure I would have it any other way. I mean, surely someday I will see the benefits of this strong personality trait in all its glory. (Right?)
Besides, who could resist this face?
Great pics, Erin! And I love the goofy song reference!