Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Melts in your mouth. Not in your hands.

It's no secret that I am addicted to chocolate.

Today I ate way too many M&M's. WAY too many. I just couldn't stop myself. It was awful and so good all at the same time! Did I say how much I love and am addicted to chocolate? Because I am.  Darn those M&M's. If I gain 5 pounds, it'll be their fault, not mine.

As evil as those little candies are, they are also a great teaching tool.

My mom potty trained me when I was Sydney's age by rewarding me with them. And letting me reward my potty-training dolly with M&M's whenever she peed on the potty chair.  I was always happy to help my dolly when she refused to eat her chocolate. Guess the addiction started early for me.

Elisabeth learned her colors via you guessed it - M&M's. She didn't care to learn colors with us when she was little until we were at a birthday party and family members asked her to get them various colors of M&M's. She happily (and correctly) obliged.

Now Miss Sydney is learning about the magic of M&M's as well.  Primarily, she is learning that they are WAY yummy.

Sydney is also learning to share with her sister. (And her sister is learning to share with Sydney.)

The M&M's are helping Sydney learn to count too. Usually it starts with a finger point for "one", much like she is doing in the photo below.

What comes after one? Let me see if I can spell it out for you.

Tchüüüüüüüüüüüw (make sure the last few letters are said a few notes higher than the rest). It looks like this:

We're still working on numbers higher than that. Right now all numbers above two are also pronounced "Tchüüw"!

Thanks M&M's! You never cease to amaze me. In your honor, I will eat some more of you tomorrow.


  1. wonderful pictures! And a wonderful tribute to chocolate as well! :) Bre from AS

  2. Yes, all forms of chocolate deserve their day in the spotlight!

