Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sweet and savory

Yesterday afternoon Elisabeth and I had a girls' afternoon and I took her to get her hair cut.  She was fairly set on cutting it short, which took me by surprise, considering how long we've been working on growing it out.  I think I must have told Mark how sad I was that she was going to cut it off, but eventually I succumbed to her wishes and decided that it was her hair and it would be cute no matter what.  I guess I forgot to tell Mark that I was okay with it, because he convinced her one night during her bath that she should keep it long, as she wouldn't be able to create her beautiful "updos" in the bathtub if she had short hair.  So, this is what we ended up with:

A simple trim.  Totally fine by me. She's cute no matter what.  And more important than how her hair turned out was the experience of being out together. As we held hands and walked around the outdoor shopping mall together on what is sure to be one of the last few beautiful fall days, the sun warming our backs, listening to and singing along with the Plain White T's "1,2,3,4" that was coming through the mall's speakers, Elisabeth got quiet and then said this:

"Mom, I wish I had a camera right now, so that I could remember this moment with you for a weally long time".

Funny, I had been thinking the same thing. I love moments like that.  I'm thankful for our (fairly) sharp minds, so that we do remember that moment for a weally long time.


And as for Miss Sydney, who is full of toddlerhood right now, some of which I could do without but most of which is so endearing, well she gave us a good smile in church this morning. During the start of another regularly scheduled temper tantrum (this one brought to you by the letter C), I diverted her and asked her to find the beautiful, hand-carved dove that was hanging in the room. She found it and said "beeeee!" which is Sydney speak for bird.  After the tantrum started gaining momentum again we asked her to find Jesus in the appliqued wall hanging that a church member made years ago. She found it and said "JuJu"! which is Sydney speak for Jesus.

The two together seemed to be enough to keep her occupied, and you could see her mental gears turning.

The next thing we heard from Sydney was this: MAMA! Jujubee! DADA! Jujubee!

Just one more reason to continue eating candy, because obviously it's filled with the holy spirit... :D

1 comment:

  1. Love E's haircut. Her grown out bangs are blending in nicely! And that is so sweet what she said about remembering that moment with her mommy. So sweet!

