It is honestly quite humbling to see the kind of support we have been given over the past 6 days. Prayers. Meals. Chats. Visits. It's made me realize what a great web of community we have managed to weave ourselves into.
Along with our families, our neighbors have been incredible. Our neighbor Erica heard that Mark wasn't allowed to have a chocolate chip cookie from "room service" because he was on the "heart healthy" floor. So what did she do? She made him a gigantic cookie that said "Get Well Soon" which tasted even better than a Mrs. Field's cookie. I would have taken a picture of it, but Mark dug right in as soon as I walked in the house with it! Our neighbors have given us meals. Our
My mom also came down on Monday after the dust started to settle. This was another nice treat for the girls and she helped me to take my mind off of things for a while. I totally needed that.
Our church has also helped us in more ways than one. I ran into two ladies from our church on Sunday at Elisabeth's ballet recital, one of whom was dancing in the recital - and proved to be a fantastic tap dancer. We talked about Mark, and they told me to call if there was anything we needed, and to not be shy. So, in my quest to not be shy, I called. Well, in all honesty, our pastor called us the next day, and I asked him. Baby steps, right? We now have hot meals for the next three nights being delivered. Last night's menu? Roast beast. And green beans and mashed potatoes. And for dessert? Homemade brownies with ooey gooey chocolate frosting. Yum-O. We all devoured it. And of course thanked God for the good meal. Because cereal can be fun for dinner, but not every night for a week. Which is what we would have had if I was in charge this week.
Earlier this week Pastor Mike stopped by. Two days in a row actually. The first day I was not home, so he and Mark had a good manly chat. You would have to ask Mark what they discussed, as I am not privy to man talk. Maybe sports. Or what Mark has been through. Or both. Pastor Mike brought a handmade wooden cross that was made by a member of our church. This man made many of these crosses for people that needed extra prayers - he passed away recently, and we have one of the last few remaining crosses. Have I mentioned that we're not worthy?
The second day Pastor Mike came with a prayer shawl for Mark. A fantastic group of women at our church make these prayer shawls, and I have placed my hands on many of them during church and prayed for the recipient. How speechless was I when I saw that we were now the recipients of one! And yes, I cried. How did you know I would cry?
Dear Mark,
This prayer shawl is covered with prayers for your good health, comfort and strength. May our Lord Jesus Christ continue to use you and shine through you at this time, and in the future.
May His healing hands cover you and hold you in His peace.
"Hearts and Hands"
Shawl Ministry of Living Waters Lutheran Church
Humbling. Have I mentioned that word yet?
On a medical note, Mark is still actually in a lot of pain. Seems morphine is the best stuff ever, but that is obviously not what he was sent home with. He now has a lot of chronic G.I. pain, and I cringe watching him eat because every time he swallows it looks like someone has just punched him in the stomach. The Dr. thinks this is simply from aspirin, but even with Prilosec to stop the burn he is keeled over in pain. His back also hurts quite a bit. He is planning on seeing the Dr. today, whether they like it or not, because really - he cannot keep going like this. Nor can I stand to watch him like this. I am relieved he did not have a heart attack or a clot, but nobody should have to be in pain like this. Or any other pain. Even if it is plan A.
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