A year and a half ago we went to this cute photography studio franchise to have some pictures taken. Amanda was our photographer. She's super cool. We had cheerios there for our live-in raccoon/human garbage disposal named Sydney, and Amanda told us she and her family like to eat fried Cheerios. SUPER cool! What other kind of person would think to fry a Cheerio?
She took some mighty amazing photos and they are proudly displayed in our house.
That photography franchise is no more. But Amanda and I have been developing a great friendship. I really like her. And she and Jessica, who also used to work at the studio, are now taking pictures as a team in various locations, as well as pretty much wherever you want.
Here is a picture of Amanda and Jessica, taken by Elisabeth, who by the way has decided she wants to be a photographer just like them.
(Amanda will probably kill me for posting this picture. I'm sorry!)
Last weekend we were lucky enough to have Amanda take our pictures again with Jessica as her lovely assistant, at a beautiful forest preserve. It was 9am, and it.was.frigid. But a beautiful day nonetheless! Although we were cold, we had an awesome time! Amanda has a way of making reluctant to smile children actually smile. She has a way of making me smile too. I was so blissfully happy to be having our pictures taken by her. She really is awesome. And is an awesome person that I am lucky enough to know.
Here are all 397 photos. They're all there, unedited. Because who would expect someone to edit 397 photos? Not I! Unedited as they may be, they are still so great. Later on Amanda will edit the photos that we choose.
I'd love to hear what YOUR favorites are! I plan on hanging a good handful of them together in this room.
Click here to view these pictures larger

If you want Amanda to deliver the same kind of awesomeness for you, let me know and I'll hook you up. ;D
PS - I know I said you wouldn't hear from me for a while, but I couldn't wait to share this with you! Now...Seacrest, OUT.
PS - I know I said you wouldn't hear from me for a while, but I couldn't wait to share this with you! Now...Seacrest, OUT.