Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hi my name is Erin

And I have been a huge messy ball of negativity lately, none of which looks very good on me. Thankfully, I've been given good news in the past two days and I am now ready to shed some negative pounds!  (Too bad those don't equate into actual pounds, because judging from the amount of candy wrappers in my office garbage can, I could stand to shed a couple of those, too.)

(If we are friends on Facebook then you can just ignore all of this because it's old news to "you's guys" as my Dad would say)

My dad had his surgery on Monday and it went very well! For four hours, robots worked to take out his prostate.  Robots!! For four hours!!  The Dr. was very pleased with what his robot helpers took out.  When you think robots, do you think of transformers doing the surgery? No? Yeah, me neither.


The Dr. stated that he saw exactly what he thought he would see, and his prostate is now sitting in the hands of a pathologist that will analyze it to be sure that's truly the case, and from what my dad told me he will simply need to go in for testing periodically to be monitored and be certain that the "C" word is never a part of his vocabulary again.

Speaking of the "C" word, I'm happy to announce that it's not a part of my vocabulary either!  The results of my biopsy came back with a beautiful "Non-Suspicious" label slapped on them.  We still don't know why that big ball of fluff of a lymph node is there but we do know that we've ruled out the scary stuff.  I'm going to take antibiotics and we will see if that brings it down, and I will go back to the ENT in 3 or 4 weeks.

It's been a while since I've felt this light! A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders (again, I wish the scale showed it) and I have a renewed spring in my step, which is so refreshing.   I'm sure you guys were getting sick of hearing my "woe is me" crap anyways.

So now I will show you some Easter photos, which are much cuter than negativity.

(FYI, a whisk makes a perfect egg holder when coloring Easter eggs!)

So long, negativity!

Thanks for all of the warm thoughts and the prayers while we've (okay mostly "I've") been struggling.  We are so lucky to have all of you in our lives!



  1. Erin, what WONDERFUL news!!! Oh I am so relieved!

    I love the picture of the girls where Elizabeth is giving Sydney a kiss. That is so sweet. They are both so beautiful and each so unique looking to me. I just want to pick Sydney up and squeeze her! Would that be ok?

  2. YAY!!!!!!

    And I love the new look on the blog too, very nice :)

