Alternatively titled "Fun With Walkers".
My Grandfather turned 99 this October.
I can hardly believe it myself. Many of us that are able have been going to Florida for years to help celebrate his birthday, and each year it means even more to us. I remember leaving his 90th party and crying on my Dad's shoulder because I thought I would never see my Grandpa Marvin again. Little did I know he had no plans of slowing down!
He still gets around quite well. He is sharp as a tack. His hearing is going a little, but hey if that's the worst of your problems at a century minus one year old, I think that's pretty darn good.
This year my brother and his family were able to come celebrate too!
We all went to visit Grandpa in his apartment the day before the party. Helloooo, chaos! That room is NOT meant for 11 people. 2, tops.
After we sucked all of the oxygen out of the room, we went for a walk to one of the common areas.
This is Josephine, our niece. Isn't she cute?
Josephine was enamored with Grandpa's walker.
Sydney got in on the action as well.
What is it with walkers and kids?
The next day we had a big family party. There were 25 of us that came to celebrate Grandpa's birthday. That's the biggest turnout yet! I wonder what his 100th will be like?
My Great Uncle Bill and Great Aunt Dorothy even came down from Duluth, MN to help celebrate their big brother's birthday. Bill, who hasn't been able to see his brother in 9 years, had been saving a free ticket for Grandpa's funeral someday.
He had just a few people make him rethink that one.
Why not celebrate life while it's still here?
On top of a pretty neat sibling reunion, there was cake at Grandpa's party.
(do you see that smile on my grandpa's face? that's pure happiness.)
There was plenty of visiting.
There was admiration
by 7 great-grandkids.
There was random chicken dancing.
There were traditional whiskey Manhattans had by all.
Grandpa's favorite.
There were gifts (A special sand dollar being one of them, given by Elisabeth).
There was a looking glass
There was random picture taking by a certain almost 6 year old
And there were four amazingly blessed generations.
We really are blessed to have such an awesome family. It's a family that I'm honored to be a part of.